Back pain is a common problem that I frequently see in the clinic. In today’s blog I would like to touch on this subject and help more people understand how I can truly help and alleviate these debilitating issues for good.
Where do I start?
Firstly, I begin every treatment with an in-depth discussion with the client to understand their history and piece together a clearer picture of how they have ended up with the pain and dysfunction they are experiencing.
Following this I will run through some specially designed tests to assess movement patterns and overall posture.
Here are 5 Methods I use to Alleviate Pain
Deep Tissue Treatments & Breakdown of Scar Tissue
I utilise a variety of massage and soft tissue techniques to target scar tissue build up. Three of which are:
1. Deep friction. This involves applying deep, cross-fiber pressure to the scar tissue. The goal is to break up adhesions and realign collagen fibers within the scar. This can help improve the mobility and flexibility of the affected tissues.
2. Another method is known as “Myofascial release” this involves applying sustained pressure to the fascia, the connective tissue that surrounds muscles which help to release tension and improve mobility. Pressure points are often found and released through similar methods of treatment.
3. Trigger points: Often known as "knots" addressing and releasing trigger points can often have a positive knock-on effect for the body. This can break the cycle of pain and change muscles that are in a state of constant contraction. Upper back and neck pain is often linked with trigger points that are felt by many people I see in clinic.
Tapping into the Nervous System
The nervous system and soft tissues are interconnected and changes in one can influence the other.
This is why you experience pain after all. Your body is trying to tell you something is not ok! It’s your job to listen and understand what your body is saying and why. We can then work together to build a plan for treating and rewiring your system back into a happier more balanced state.
I often use techniques such as Muscle Energy and Reciprocal Inhibition to help tap into more functional patterns of movement and allow greater progress with treatments.
Improve Circulation
Massage stimulates blood flow to the muscles. Increased circulation enhances the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the muscles, promoting healing and reducing inflammation. It is essential that this is done in the correct phases of tissue repair, or it could be counterproductive.
This is why it is always best to discuss this in the free consultation before coming into clinic. We can then work out the best treatment to truly help you say goodbye to back pain today!
Educating and Coaching
After a full in-depth assessment and treatments, clients will have a clearer understanding of their body’s condition, imbalances, and areas that require attention. This heightened awareness can lead to proactive self-care and injury prevention strategies.
I am often educating people on the importance of strengthening over lengthening for example. An area often misunderstood by many people and an important topic which I will discuss in detail in a later blog.
Post treatment I am always available to discuss ongoing issues and give advice and pointers into how you can strengthen your weaknesses.
Stress Reduction
Last but by no means least massage has been proven to promote relaxation by reducing muscle tension and releasing endorphins. This can also have positive effects on mental well-being, helping to alleviate stress and anxiety. Stress has such a huge impact on our bodies and ignoring this huge factor will only slow down your recovery.
I am now taking online bookings simply follow the link below